Once again, in keeping with our ever-present attempts towards sensitivity and awareness education, Dixie Land Guide Dog Users sponsored another Dinner in the Dark, co-hosted by our great friends at Grace United Methodist Church.
Much preparation was required to have such an event. Assignments had to be made; food purchased and prepared; room set-up; volunteers in place; blindfolds made; bibs constructed; and advertisement sent!
Thanks to the great relationship Dixie Land Guide Dog Users and the nice young ladies at the College of Charleston's Delta Gamma sorority share, our bibs were completed in less than an hour! Those girls set up an assembly line, cutting and converting large trash bags into stain-repellant plastic bibs. Some even showed up to take advantage of the great food, fantastic fellowship and fabulous furries!
Volunteers from Grace UMC cut the yards and yards of material into blindfolds, prepared signs, set up the fellowship hall and actually served the piping hot, scrumtee-da-lishus, mouth-watering, palate pleasing spaghetti, garlic bread and 'nana pudding Chuck prepared.
Some of our Dixie Landers present to enjoy the evening were Audrey Gunter, (with Jessie) President, Tweety Ford, (with Evonne) Vice-President, Laurel Jean Walden, (with White Lightn'in) Secretary/Treasurer, Sheryl (with Houston) and Russ Hedrick (with retired guide, Luke), members.
The only thing better than the food was the fellowship we all enjoyed! Sorry YOU couldn't make it. Maybe next time…and there will be a next time. Hope to see you there!
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